إتحاد الجمعيات الخليجية لمكافحة السرطان

The activities of the eighth joint Gulf week for cancer awareness concluded

Dr. Al-Saleh: Consecutive studies over a period of 7 years showed an increase in the awareness of cancer risk factors from 40% to 65%.

Dr. Al-Shaheen: Implementation of 40 different activities in the eighth Gulf week for cancer awareness in the State of Kuwait

The activities of the eighth joint Gulf Cancer Awareness Week were concluded on February 7, 2023, held under the auspices of His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Wahhab Al-Awadi, Minister of Health, Kuwait. Dr. Khaled Ahmed Al-Saleh, Secretary-General of the Gulf Federation for Cancer Control, delivered his speech at the celebration, in which he thanked all those who worked to implement the activities of this week, which revealed the importance of cooperation between the government and civil sectors in the success of such important initiatives that reflect positively on our Gulf societies. With this important week. Dr. Al-Saleh stated that successive studies during the past seven years showed that there was a significant improvement in the culture of health awareness with regard to cancer, as the percentage of awareness of risk factors for cancer diseases increased from 40% to 65%, and the prevalence of misconceptions and the negative view of cancer diseases decreased as well. Curable from 87% to 47%, which are important indicators indicating the role of awareness in spreading the correct culture regarding cancerous diseases, at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. To others, and in conclusion, he thanked the Minister of Health for sponsoring this week in the State of Kuwait, and thanked the Ministry’s media office for its important role in highlighting the activities and events that were implemented with its active participation in these events. Public benefit associations and the participating parties in the Executive Committee of the Joint Gulf Week, which work every year to make it a success. Dr. Hessa Majid Al-Shaheen, Senior Consultant for the Joint Gulf Week, Chairperson of the Executive Committee for the week, for her efforts to organize the activities of the State of Kuwait and its distinguished success. Then, Dr. Hessa Majed Al-Shaheen delivered her speech expressing her pleasure at the beginning of the renewal of this meeting with the presence of all partners in the success of the activities of the eighth Gulf Week for Cancer Awareness And she thanked His Excellency the Minister of Health for his sponsorship of this week, and explained that the Coordinating Committee prepared for this year an integrated and distinguished program in which 40 different and distinct activities were implemented, including scientific, artistic, and sports fields, holding competitions, publishing posters, printing awareness booklets, and holding meetings through various media.

Dr. Al-Shaheen praised the active participation who are considered an important part of this system, and added that these successes are repeated, every year from 1 to 7 February in every country of the GCC, so she thanked the Gulf Federation for Cancer Control (GFFCC) and the Gulf Cancer Control Center and Prevention (GCCCP) for this opportunity, which highlights the distinguished volunteer work at the level of the Gulf countries, and indicated that all volunteer workers participating in this annual celebration of awareness of cancer diseases at the level of the Gulf countries are keen to achieve the goal behind it in order to raise awareness of the Gulf citizen about Risk factors and the importance of early detection of cancer diseases.