إتحاد الجمعيات الخليجية لمكافحة السرطان

Recommendations of the International Conference on Tobacco Control

Recommendations of the
International Conference on Tobacco Control
The Scourge of Smoking and Conflict of Interest
State of Kuwait

State of Kuwait Declaration on Tobacco Control

The drafting committee for the International Conference on Tobacco Control, which was held under the slogan (The Scourge of Smoking and Conflict of Interest) during the period from 27 to 28 October 2024 in the State of Kuwait, met and extended their sincere thanks to everyone who:

Extended sincere thanks to the State of Kuwait, its leadership, government and people for the warm hospitality and good organization of the conference, praying to God Almighty to protect Kuwait, its leadership and people from all harm.
Addressing His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Abdul Wahab Al-Awadhi, Minister of Health, with sincere thanks for his patronage and attendance at the opening ceremony of the conference, and what he mentioned in his speech about the ministry’s support for efforts aimed at combating tobacco, especially with regard to tobacco laws and economics, and also reducing conflict of interest, which is the title of the conference.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Khaled Ahmed Al-Saleh, the conference chairman, and the members of the Board of Directors of the Kuwait Society for Combating Smoking and Cancer, especially Dr. Hessa Majed Al-Shaheen, for her continuous support, as well as to the administrative staff of the Kuwait Society for Combating Smoking and Cancer for their great efforts throughout the preparation and holding of the conference to ensure the smooth running of the conference and the comfort of the guests.

The drafting committee also appreciates the scientific papers presented at the conference and emphasized the opinion of the attendees that these papers are at the heart of the conference topic and contain valuable information enriched by the discussions that accompanied them. The attendees recommended that these scientific papers be collected and printed so that they are available to researchers and interested parties.

The committee also issued the recommendations for the conference (The Scourge of Smoking and Conflict of Interest) held in the State of Kuwait during the period 27-28/10/2024, which were as follows:

First: Recommendations at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries:

Establishing national observatories in the GCC countries to monitor and observe the behaviors, activities and methods of the tobacco industry and related industries, and conducting related research according to the standards of the World Health Organization on a regular basis.
Calling on GCC member states to require all those working in tobacco control to sign a disclosure and non-conflict of interest document.
Calling on the Gulf Health Council to adopt an initiative to create advocacy and capacity building for member states on litigation and investigations related to tobacco companies, and to form professional national working groups to prosecute tobacco companies, their agents and distributors according to a deliberate institutional methodology that includes partnership with the World Health Organization and specialized expertise houses.
Preparing programs for the advocacy industry (ADVOCACY BUILDING) to raise awareness levels among decision-makers, policy-makers and stakeholders of these dimensions.
Reviewing and developing policies, systems, legislation, regulations and programs in GCC countries on new tobacco products and alternative products such as nicotine packets.
Working to provide sufficient human and financial resources to activate oversight and adherence to tobacco control laws and regulations in GCC countries and working to spread the culture of activating them in Gulf societies.
Increasing the selective tax on tobacco products and their analogues to the limit recommended by the World Health Organization (75%).
Supporting epidemiological and experimental research and studies, and research concerned with assessing the economic burden of tobacco use and its analogues, and the societal behavioral motives that contribute to its spread and addiction, and the health and economic returns resulting from imposing legislation and raising taxes.

Calling on government sectors and civil society organizations in the GCC countries to work on planning and implementing awareness campaigns according to the evidence-based approach (EVIDENCE BASED APPROCH) with optimal investment in the use of social media platforms and artificial intelligence.

Organizing regular awareness programs and campaigns similar to the Gulf Cancer Awareness Week targeting new tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes and alternative products such as nicotine packets, and expanding the scope of targets of awareness campaigns and programs to include awareness of the methods of misleading and deception adopted by tobacco companies in promoting and marketing their products, including new products.

Calling on national committees and bodies concerned with tobacco control from member states to find a mechanism for membership of a representative from the relevant civil society organizations.

Inviting the Gulf Health Council and the World Health Organization’s Eastern Mediterranean Office to organize advanced training courses in planning preventive programs and related awareness campaigns.
Investing in artificial intelligence in planning awareness initiatives and tobacco cessation programs, monitoring, research and evaluation based on scientific evidence.
Working to establish a Gulf union that brings together under its umbrella civil society associations and institutions concerned with tobacco control in member states, with the aim of enhancing coordination and partnership between them, exchanging expertise, experiences and knowledge, and building support in related fields. The attendees invite the Gulf Health Council to host this union.

Second: Recommendations at the Arab and regional levels:

1- Work on preparing an Arab initiative in which all relevant stakeholders, whether governmental or private institutions or civil society organizations, participate to raise awareness of the harms of smoking and reduce its negative effects and develop a timetable for implementing this initiative.
2- In light of the global trend towards renewable energy and a clean environment, the League of Arab States is requested to prepare a research study on the harmful effects of smoking on individual health and the surrounding environment, with this study being funded by the ministries of environment in Arab countries.
3- The World Health Organization should support civil society organizations to enhance their role in monitoring the activities of tobacco companies and enhancing transparency and accountability through monitoring.
4- Including reducing the impact of tobacco companies among the recommendations included in the high-level global meeting on non-communicable diseases in September 2025 to ensure the commitment of heads of state.
5- Tightening control over advertisements directed by tobacco companies and training media workers to address this.
6- Participation of civil society organizations working in tobacco control in national programs to combat non-communicable diseases in the countries of the region.
7- Conduct studies and research in the field of tobacco economics and focus on the impact of smoking on the economy and sustainability.
8- The necessity of investigating the relationship of decision-makers with tobacco companies and emphasizing the necessity of decision-makers and government employees declaring not to cooperate or work with tobacco companies, and acknowledging the absence of conflict of interest.
9- – A national observatory to monitor the actions of tobacco companies.
10- – Recording cases of tobacco use in the patient’s record to be able to collect information about the impact of tobacco and smoking on the disease and mortality.