Advertise with the Journal!

The Gulf Journal of Oncology welcomes advertisers! Advertising rates for different page sizes and number of issues can be found below; a draft contract is also available upon request.

The GJO is published in the State of Kuwait at 3 issues per year (January, May and September). Most of the printed copies are circulated to GFFCC member associations throughout the gulf region and Yemen. You can request for additional printed copies by visiting the office of the GFFCC General Secretary in Kuwait. If you are located outside of Kuwait, please contact any of the GFFCC’s member association in your country to request for a copy. The list of these associations are on our website. If you are interested in securing a digital copy of our published articles since 2007, you can download them from our website for free without any membership requirement or charges. We only request those who download our articles to acknowledge the title of the article and purpose for obtaining the material for our record.

Please support and advertise in the GJO! Our publication is funded only with private contributions and limited advertisements. We need your support to continue our work and sustain the achievements of the GJO into the future.

For advertisements, contributions or any inquiry about the journal, please contact:

Mr. Zakeer Ali Khan Douzi
Executive Secretary, GJO


Advertising Rates
(per Issue)


Size/Location Price
Inside Page, Front Cover KD 900
Inside Page, Back Cover KD 900
Full page A4 KD 750
Half page A5 KD 600