Online Manuscript Submission
Instruction to Authors
Before you submit:
Submission Fee: Authors should pay 10 dollars per one manuscript (original article, reviewed article and case reports) to our Account. The payment receipt should be sent along with the articles in attachments.
Upon the acceptance of manuscripts for publishing in our journal, authors should pay 200 dollars per one manuscript.
The submission-fee for the manuscripts will be used to cover the costs of peer review administration and management, the professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, and printing hard copies. -
Make sure you have read the NEW guidelines in the preparation of Manuscripts
Download instructions here or read online here -
Manuscripts that do not conform with the new templates will be RETURNED
Online instructions:
- Fields marked with * are required
- Type your email address correctly to receive
the confirmation letter and updates/notifications from
the Editor-in-Chief - Tables and Figures should be included into the main text and submitted as 1 file
- Check your SPAM folder if you did not receive the confirmation letter after submission