Dear Colleagues,
am very pleased to be with you again in this second edition of
Gulf Journal of Oncology. During the past six months both the
editors and the advisory board have been working, in unity, to
improve the content quality of this forthcoming journal. It was
quite a challenge to start a new scientific journal,
particularly in the field of oncology and even more of a
challenge maintaining an appropriate scientific level.
In the first issue we only received a limited number of
publishable articles. Whereas for the second edition, with your
cooperation, we received many original articles. It was not an
easy task deciding which articles to include, but in order to
maintain the high standards of the journal; editors choose those
which were most suitable.
Dear colleagues, we have only just taken the first steps of a
long journey. We have not yet crossed the first milestone, but I
hope with your cooperation we will unite on this journey to
achieve our goal, which is to make this journal a representing
voice in the area of oncology, throughout the Gulf and to be an
excellent source of up-to-date information, references, new
treatments, trials, technology etc. for oncologist and
researchers throughout the field of oncology.
I am quite confident that with good management of this journal
and your continual support and cooperation that after the fourth
edition we could achieve being registered as an official indexed
journal, which would ultimately make me proud and be a reward to
you all for your efforts.
On behalf of myself and the team of Gulf Journal of Oncology, I
would like to thank once again, all those who are always very
generous with advice and support.
With regards,