Editor's Word


Dear Colleagues,

This is the 3rd issue of The Gulf Journal of Oncology & I hope we have succeeded in improving academic & scientific level of the journal. In this issue we are highlighting the King Faisal Cancer Centre of Riyad, Saudi Arabia and we will continue to introduce other cancer centers of the Gulf region in our forthcoming issues, since in the gulf we have a large number of Cancer hospitals which are well equipped & provide high standard of care.

We also hope that in our next issue we will be able to announce our annual award for best article of the gulf. This was one of our dreams & very soon our dream will come true.

I would also like to remind you that our cancer awareness programme ie CAN has been well received by the public and as you know that awareness is the major step toward fighting against cancer, it will help us in early detection & cancer prevention. I request to all those who are interested in this, to write to me for more information regarding this programme. As you can see, this scientific journal opens doors in other directions for making new developments in cancer field.

At the end I would like to thank all those who are associated with publishing this journal directly or indirectly for their generous support & advice.

With regards,

Dr. Khaled Al Saleh