Editor's Word


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the issuance of the sixth edition of The Gulf Journal of Oncology. Through this and previous editions of the journal, the Gulf Co-operation for Cancer Control has achieved many goals. The foremost being the successful organization of The Regional Head and Neck Conference in Yemen earlier this year. During the conference the GFCC unanimously elected a new board of members concluding, Dr Mohammed Abdu Yamani from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as Chairman, Mr. Abdul Wasa Hayel Sayed from Yemen as Vice Chairman and myself, Dr Khaled A.Al-saleh as the General Secretary. The GFCC at this juncture extend it’s gratitude and appreciation to Dr Khaled Bin Jaber Al Thani who has played a pivotal role in the growth and success of the GFCC. The GFCC also wish to express their utmost gratitude to The National Cancer control Foundation of Yemen for organizing the conference successfully and with such expertise.

During the Yemen Conference in February 2009, the GFCC successfully established the <Gulf Oncology Committee> which consists of a number of professional oncologists from the Gulf, with a plan to organize a Multi-centric study within the Gulf region, with the sustainable support of certain regional countries. This proposal was discussed at the first Gulf Oncology Committee meeting, held in Cairo on the 8thof May, 2009.

I would like to emphasize, that these tasks would not have been achieved without the successful role of the Gulf Journal of Oncology. The Journal plays a positive key role in linking cancer professionals throughout the Gulf region. We continue our efforts, aiming to improve standards and produce a peer- reviewed journal in the near future.

Many thanks.

With regards,

Dr. Khaled Al Saleh