Editor's Word

Dear Colleagues,

We are now in the middle of preparations for the conference on Cancer Prevention in the Arab World: Applied Strategies which will be held in Kuwait on 10-11 February 2013. This conference is being initiated by the Cancer Aware Nation (CAN, Kuwait) in cooperation with the Gulf Federation for Cancer Control, Arab Medical Association Against Cancer (AMAAC), Kuwait Society for Smoking and Cancer Prevention and Kuwait Oncology Society. UICC and WHO have also signified their support as partners to this conference.

As you can glean from the title of this conference, “applied strategies” is the key word that makes this conference unique and interesting. The participation of AMAAC is also an indicator that this is not a local meeting but a regional level discussion about cancer prevention in the whole Arab region. Many of our colleagues would recall that on March 2010, a conference was held in Riyadh on the “Initiative to Improve Cancer Care in the Arab World (ICCAW)”. This was a very fruitful conference which laid the foundation of collaborative action among cancer centers in the region and the formulation of the Arab World Cancer Declaration. To implement the outputs of the Riyadh conference, it was decided that a follow-up conference will be held to discuss the strategies. 3 topics are in the agenda of the conference namely: a) cancer awareness b) early detection and screening and c) palliative medicine. A separate workshop to discuss the outputs of the Riyadh conference is scheduled on the 2nd day of the conference.

We are currently accepting research papers and abstracts for the conference. You can register and submit your papers in the contact details listed in the Scientific Events in this issue of the journal. This conference is directed to cancer specialists, primary care physicians, residents in training, dieticians, nurses and the public in general who are interested to learn more about the topics. Register now and be a part of this important event!


Best regards,

Dr. Khaled Al Saleh