Dear Colleagues,
years ago, the GFFCC union has recommended to the gulf health
ministries to start regulating and approve the use of
alternative and complementary medicine which was increasing in
the Gulf area. Today, I am glad to inform you that our
initiative has become a reality and now there is a law in most
GCC countries to regulate the use of complementary and
alternative medicine. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, they have
established an Alternative Medicine Center within the
organization of the Ministry of Health to regulate this
practice. We would like to thank Prof. Tawfik AM Khoja, Director
General of the Executive Board, Health Ministers Council for
Cooperation Council, for his major effort in achieving the
sucsess of this endeavor.
I am pleased to inform everyone that the activities of the GFFCC have expanded. We are now preparing for a group of GCC doctors to visit Yemen as part of the interactive visit between Gulf cities. This visit will focus on Head and Neck cancer awareness program since Yemen is the GCC country with the highest prevalence of Head and Neck cancer.
The 6th GFFCC Conference on the “Update in Hepatobilliary and Pancreatic Cancer International Conference” was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on April 3-4, 2013. I would like to congratulate Dr. Abdullah Al Sharm, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, for this successful and productive meeting. GFFCC conferences are held every two years and the next conference will be held in Oman in 2015.
There will be another vote on the GFFCC Board on November this year that will make a change in the future of our name (GFFCC).
Best regards,
Dr. Khaled Al Saleh