Editor's Word

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure to report that Dr. Khalid Bin Jabr Al-Thani from Qatar was recently elected as the new Chairman of the Board of the Gulf Federation for Cancer Control during a meeting held in Kuwait last 28 November 2013. Other new members elected to the Board are Dr. Abdul Azim Hussein (Qatar), Dr. Suad Bin Amer (KSA Riyadh) and Dr. Mahmoud Shaheen Al-Ahwal (KSA Jeddah). The new Chairman is a veteran to the organization having served as member of the GFFCC board representing Qatar for many years. He is a good friend and we expect him to steer the organization with a steady hand and set fresh directions towards GFFCC’s future endeavors. We were also very fortunate to have Dr. Samia Alamoudi (UICC Board Member) attend the meeting and unveil a very informative presentation in a program afterwards.

One of the new activities of the GFFCC this year is the formation of Awareness Groups to promote cancer awareness in the Gulf region. The Awareness Group is composed of selected doctors who will be tasked to implement awareness and screening activities on their visit to Gulf countries needing these support. During my recent travel to Saudi Arabia and I am very happy to report of my fruitful visit to Sanad Children’s Cancer Support Society and Zahra Breast Cancer Association which are both located in Riyadh. I was fortunate to meet Saudi Crown Princesses Adlaa bint Abdulla bin Abdulaziz and Haifa bint Faisal bin Abdulaziz and I am very impressed with their work, commitment and support to cancer activities in their region which gives us a lot of motivation to continue with our mission.

Dear colleagues, I am delighted to inform you that my visit to Yemen was very fruitful and during that visit HE Dr. Ahmed Qasim Alansi, Minister of Health in Yemem, was very supportive for GFFCC’s mission for oral, visual, screening in Yemen. This is a very important step towards the achievement of our goal in the region.


Best regards,

Dr. Khaled Al Saleh