![]() Issue No. 7, Jan 2010 |
Issue No. 7 - Jan 2010 | ||
8-13 | Effect of Antioxidants on Markers of Apoptosis in Postoperative Radiotherapy of Cancer Cervix | |
M. S. Ismail1, 2 A. S. Amer1, O.
Wahba3, H. Shalby4 and F. Arian5
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Faculty of Medicine, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King Fahd University Hospital, 3Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, 4National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, 5Ahmad Maher Teaching Hospital- Ministry of Health |
Abstract | ||
Aim of the work To
investigate whether a mixture of
antioxidant supplementation can
ameliorate damaging effects of ionizing
radiation in cancer cervix patients
during radiotherapy Accordingly
apoptosis, lipid peroxides and Fas among
cancer cervix patients undergoing
postoperative radiotherapy (n=40) were
measured before and after administration
of a mixture of antioxidants including
60 mg vitamin C, 10 mg vitamin E, 1000
IU vitamin A and 50 mg Selenium. Patients & Methods Patients were divided into 2 groups each of 20 patients. Antioxidant mixture was administered to one group thrice per day during the duration of radiotherapy and one more week post cessation of radiotherapy. Twenty normal healthy women participated as controls. Results Results revealed that following the first and second sessions of radiotherapy, both the groups with and without antioxidant administration showed higher frequency of lipid peroxidation and the frequency of micronuclei compared to their level before radiotherapy as measured 24 hours and 48 hours post first session of radiotherapy. Patients undergoing radiotherapy showed a decrease in all parameters of the study after one-week, one-month post irradiation and one week post cessation of radiotherapy. However, the antioxidants group showed significantly lower levels of apoptosis and lipid peroxides and Fas compared to patients who did not receive antioxidant supplementation. Conclusion The results of the present study reveals adaptation to radiation during radiotherapy and evaluate the prophylactic effect of a mixture of antioxidants during radiotherapy. |
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2 | 14-20 | A Matched Case-control Study of Triple Negative vs. HER-2 Positive (irrespective of hormonal status) Breast Cancer: Two Subtypes with High Risk Features and Poor Outcome. |
J. M.
Zekri1, E. Ibrahim1, A. M. Al-Gahmi1, A.
A. Zeeneldin1, T. R. Elkhodary1, H. E.
Gaballa1, E. E. Fawzy1, M. E Elsayed1,
Y. Bahadur1, S. Awadalla2, M. S.
Alzahran2, B. Ben Sadiq2 1Department of Oncology, 2Research Centre: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Saudi Arabia |
Abstract | ||
Abstract Genetic
profile studies of breast cancer
identified a number of biologically
different subtypes. These genetic
subtypes are often surrogated by
estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone
receptors (PR) and HER2 status as
measured by immunohistochemistry (IHC).
Triple negative (TN) subtype is
recognized to have high risk features
and poor outcome. Over expression of the
HER2 is also recognized as a poor
outcome marker.The characteristics and
outcome of HER2 positive tumours
(irrespective of hormonal status) (HER2
HR+/-) identified by IHC have not
addressed in the era of surrogate
genetic subtyping. Therefore, we
retrospectively compared the risk
features and clinical outcome of
patients with TN against these with HER2
HR+/- tumours. Patients & Methods 40 patients with HER2 HR+/- tumours were matched for age and stage to 40 patients with TN tumours. Clinical and pathological data were collected retrospectively. All patients were managed in a single institution. Results Tumour grade and stage and rate of pathologically involved lymph nodes were similar in both groups. There was a trend of more lymphovascular invasion in HER2 HR+/- than TN patients (40% vs. 27.5%. P=0.07). 35% and 27% relapsed and 7.5% died in TN and HER2 HR+/- groups respectively (P=not significant). Median relapse free survival was 38 months for TN and not reached for HER2 HR+/- patients (Breslow: P=0.043 and Log rank: NS). Median overall survival was not reached in both groups. Multivariate analysis did not identify TN or HER2 HR+/- status to have any differential impact on RFS. Conclusion HER2 HR+/- tumours exhibit high risk presenting features and relatively poor clinical outcome possibly not very different from the increasingly recognized TN tumours. |
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3 | 21-24 | Pattern of Head and Neck Cancer in Yemen |
Abdul-Hamid1, N. M. Saeed2, W.
Al-Kahiry1 and S. Shukry1
Abstract | ||
Abstract Head and
neck cancer constitutes one of the
commonest malignancies in Yemen. There
may be a role for the use of Shamma and
Zarda and Khat for the increase of HNC
in Yemen. This study was conducted
retrospectively with an overall aim to
describe the pattern of head and neck
cancers among Yemeni patients attending
the Oncology Department of Al-Gamhouria
Teaching Hospital, Aden, for the period
from Jan. 2001 to Dec. 2004. The study included 183 patients with head and neck cancers (Lymphoma and thyroid were excluded), 134 were males (73.2%) and 49 were females (26.8%) , with male to female ratio of 2.7:1. The mean age was 51.3 ± 14.9 years (range: 3 – 82 years). Statistically, there is significant difference between the mean age of male (49.5 ± 15.1 years) and female (45.4 ± 16.3 years) patients with head and neck cancers [t= 2.1, p: 0.03]. The common types of head and neck cancers in this study are cancers of the oral cavity (31.7%), followed by pharyngeal (22.9%) and laryngeal (19.1%). In relation to sex, there is a significant statistical relationship between certain head and neck cancers and sex (p: 0.0000). In males, the common cancers are oral cavity cancers (22.7%), laryngeal (22.1%) and pharyngeal cancers (20.8%). The common histopathological type of head and neck cancers in this study is the well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (70.5%) . This study concluded that head and neck cancers are among the common health problems affecting Yemeni patients and recommended further wide national studies to determine the real incidence and the risk factors associated with such cancer. |
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4 | 25-36 | Castleman’s Disease: A Study Of A Rare Lymphoproliferative Disorder In A University Hospital |
A. M. Al-Amri,
I. S. Abdul-Rahman, K. Q. Ghallab
King Fahd University Hospital. King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia |
Abstract | ||
Castleman’s disease (CD) is a group of rare lymphoproliferative disorders sharing characteristic clinical and histological features, and usually accompanied by a marked systemic inflammatory response. Two histological patterns of lymph nodes were described: the hyaline-vascular and plasma-cell types. The former is more common (80-90%) and tends to be localized. The plasma cell type is more aggressive and usually multicentric. It is interesting that the inflammatory manifestations seem to be related to a lymph node lesion, because the systemic symptoms and inflammatory activity can return to normal after surgical excision or successful medical treatment of the disease. We report here our 15-year experience with this rare disease in King Fahd Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, focusing on the clinical features, therapy, and patients’outcome. | ||
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5 | 37-41 | Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) in Cancer Patients; Technique, Indications and Complications |
A. S. Rabie |
Abstract | ||
Enteral feeding is
the preferred method of nutritional
support in malnourished patients with
inadequate oral intake but with intact
gastrointestinal tract. In cancer
patients, adequate nutrition plays an
important role in the success of the
treatment and hence the overall
prognosis. Percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy proved to be an effective
means for providing enteral nutrition
with easy technique, less hospital stay
and cost with less morbidity and
mortality. Aim of work: It is a
prospective study on 40 cancer patients
with different indications for PEG which
is done by pull technique under local
anesthesia and sedation over a period of
12 months with a follow up period of 60
days. Results: The procedure was
successful in 38 patients (95%), 22
patients (55%) with esophageal cancer,
16 cases (40%) with head and neck
cancer, and 2cases (5%) for gastric
decompression due to prepyloric gastric
cancer. Mortality rate was 2.5% (I case)
due to leakage and peritonitis, and
morbidity occurred in 6 cases (15%) due
to port infection and minor leakage
managed by dressing and systemic
antibiotics. Conclusion: PEG is an easy procedure for providing enteral nutrition for cancer patients and associated with fewer rates of morbidity and mortality compared to gastrostomy procedures |
full article | ||
6 | 42-45 | Recurrent Malignant Leydig Cell Tumor of Testis: A Case Report with Review of Literature |
G.M. Bhat1,
S.N. Ahmad1, M.I. Lone2, S. Alsolami3,
Q.M. Iqbal4 |
Abstract | ||
Malignant Testicular Leydig Cell tumors (leydigomas) are extremely rare to occur and mostly carry a bad prognosis. Here we describe the disease course of a middle aged patient with recurrent / metastatic Leydig cell tumor of testes, who needed repeated oncosurgical intervention and chemotherapy | ||
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7 | 46-52 | Imaging Findings in Idiopathic Lobular Granulomattous Mastitis, Case Report and Review of Literature |
K. Boarki
and M. Labib Radiology Department, Hussein Makki Jumaa Center for Specialized Surgery |
Abstract | ||
Idiopathic lobular granulomatous mastititis is a rare inflammatory disease of the breast. Since the clinical manifestations simulate those of mammary malignancy, it is often misdiagnosed. We report a case in a 25 yrs old Egyptian woman who had presented with complaint of a painful mass in her right breast of 3 months duration. Clinical and radiological examinations were indeterminate of its nature and the diagnosis was established by histopathogical, microbiological and serological tests. Review of relevant literature mention the features of Idiopathic lobular granulomatous mastititis, which impose significant challenge on clinical, radiological and even histopathological diagnosis. These correlate well with our case scenario also. Complete resection of the lesions and/or administration of steroids are usually the recommended treatment, however about 38% patients may experience recurrence. Hence proper post treatment follow up is mandatory. Awareness among the clinicians, radiologists and pathologists about this disease entity is required and multi disciplinary approach is imperative to establish the diagnosis. We hope to convey these facts through this article with the review of relevant literature. | ||
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8 | 53-56 | Solitary Intra-Abdominal Castleman’s Disease, Hyaline Vascular Type: Case Report |
N. Al-Saleh,
P. Itty, P. Kukawski, K. Al-Khaldi
Abstract | ||
Objective: To report
a case of solitary intra-abdominal
Castleman disease and highlight the
importance of this entity to clinicians
in the management of these patients.
Case presentation and intervention: A 20 year old gentleman who presented with a recurrent intra-abdominal retroperitoneal mass. Previous biopsies obtained from a laparotomy showed Castleman disease- vascular hyaline type. Patient did not respond to chemotherapy and the mass was gradually increasing in size. Surgical intervention was the only option and the patient underwent complete resection of the retroperitoneal mass. Final histopathological examination confirmed the initial diagnosis of Castleman disease. Conclusion: Castleman’s disease is a fairly rare benign tumor of lymphoid origin. It should be included in the list of differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. Unicentric Castleman disease should be treated surgically when feasible and carries better prognosis compared to multicentric disease. |
full article | ||
9 | 57-59 | Intravenous Leiomyomatosis of the Uterus |
R. Arora, A.
A. Abou-Bakr, M. S. Ahmad
Department of Pathology, Farwaniya Hospital, Kuwait |
Abstract | ||
Intravenous leiomyomatosis (IVL) is a rare neoplasm characterized by nodular masses of histologically benign looking smooth muscle cells growing within uterine or extrauterine venous system.The exact etiology is unclear and benign histological appearance of neoplastic smooth muscles can be deceptive since IVL might behave in a malignant fashion. Total abdominal hysterectomy and excision of any extrauterine tumor if technically feasible is the cornerstone of treatment. We report clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical features of a uterine IVL in a 48 year old lady who presented with menorrhagia. We also elaborate etiopathogenesis and conclude that knowledge about IVL is essential as it must be differentiated from malignant tumors to prevent overtreatment. Long term follow up is recommended in such cases. | ||
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