Breast Cancer Conference is a Category 1 – Accredited Group Learning Activity

pproved for mximum of 7.25 hours.. Dr bdul zim :
Brest Cncer Conference is Ctegory 1 – ccredited Group Lerning ctivity
Dr bdul zim bdul Whb, Vice Chirmn of Qtr Cncer Society Mngement – Director of the Scientific Committee of the brest cncer Conference nnounced This ctivity is Ctegory 1 – ccredited Group Lerning ctivity s defined by the Qtr Council for Helthcre Prctitioners – ccredittion Deprtment nd is pproved for mximum of 7.25 hours.
He sid ” the registrtion will strt on Sundy,9 October 2016 throughout the dy in both government nd privte stte hospitls, the primry helth-cre helth centers, hedqurters of the Qtr Cncer Society towers Brw l Sdd – Tower No. 2, or vi the website http: // bcc.qcs.q
Dr bdul zim clled specilists register, especilly s it would be t 150 QR to doctors, QR 100 for the rest of the helth cre providers in ddition to filling in the registrtion form symbolic، He is referring to sk severl trining workshops nd wreness bout cncer nd focus on the importnce of erly detection nd lso rised importnt for disese prevention nd helth food hbits،
The conference will be ccompnied by medicl specilist exhibition will be n importnt opportunity for compnies in the medicl industry to inform the udience on the ltest innovtions in the field of brest cncer under one roof nd t n interntionl level” he dded’.
Brest Cncer Conference is globl pltform more thn gthering 2,000 specilist nd n expert in vrious res tht hve to do with brest cncer from number of rb nd foreign countries such s ustri, Cnd, the United Sttes nd the Gulf Coopertion Council nd the rb Republic of Egypt, in ddition to the prticiption of number of uthorities of the Stte of Qtr highlighted by Hmd Medicl Corportion, the Ministry of public Helth, primry Helth cre Foundtion, the Ntionl Center for the tretment of cncer reserch.