Arab Medical Association Against Cancer (AMAAC) In collaboration with Association de Formation et de Sensibilisation en Oncologie Multidisciplinaire de l’Ariana (AFSOMA)
This Congress, which is organized in collaboration with the Association de Formation et de Sensibilisation en Oncolgie Multidisciplinaire de l’Ariana (AFSOMA )in Tunisia and The European School of Oncology (ESO),will be attended by active Oncologists and Researchers from the MENA Region as well as prominent researchers from different lnternational Cancer Institutions.
The Scientific Program will focus on recent evidence-based advances with an immediate impact on cancer management. Program this year will center on multidisciplinary approach to the most common cancers in the region, namely breast, lung ,GU and colorectal cancers. In addition, update in managemet of various types of cancer will be discussed.
Scientific sessions continue to evolve and improve with the input from our attendees making a great meeting even more spectacular. We thank you for your input in the past Congress(PACC 17th) which was in Algeria and attended by 1270 from the region and we hope you have the opportunity to experience the enhancements to our meeting. Most importantly, we hope the meeting addresses the greater mission of the AMAAC, to reduce the burden and suffering from cancer.
AMAAC had many activities during the last years such as sponsoring 6 fellowships every year for junior oncologists( Total of 46) to continue their fellowship at distinguished Cancer Institutions and issuing 36 quarterly editions of PAJO (Pan Arab Journal of Oncology) which is edited by our colleague Dr. Marwan Ghosn and Dr. Atef Badran
This year our congress will be in Tunisia the land of 3000 years of history mixing Prehistoric, Phenician, Roman, Arab, Turkish, Spanish, Italian and French civilizations is delighted to host this important event and hundreds of participants and to contribute to the countries medical education in the field.
This Congress, which is organized in collaboration with the Association de Formation et de Sensibilisation en Oncolgie Multidisciplinaire de l’Ariana (AFSOMA )in Tunisia and The European School of Oncology (ESO),will be attended by active Oncologists and Researchers from the MENA Region as well as prominent researchers from different lnternational Cancer Institutions.
The Scientific Program focused on recent evidence-based advances with an immediate impact on cancer management. Program this year will center on multidisciplinary approach to the most common cancers in the region, namely breast, lung, GU and colorectal cancers. In addition, update in managemet of various types of cancer will be discussed.
Scientific sessions continue to evolve and improve with the input from attendees making a great meeting even more spectacular. The inputs in the past Congress (PACC 17th) which was in Algeria and attended by 1270 from the region and hoped have the opportunity to experience the enhancements to meeting. Most importantly, the meeting addresses the greater mission of the AMAAC, to reduce the burden and suffering from cancer.
AMAAC had many activities during the last years such as sponsoring 6 fellowships every year for junior oncologists (Total of 46) to continue their fellowship at distinguished Cancer Institutions and issuing 36 quarterly editions of PAJO (Pan Arab Journal of Oncology) which is edited by our colleague Dr. Marwan Ghosn and Dr. Atef Badran
This year congress will be in Tunisia the land of 3000 years of history mixing Prehistoric, Phenician, Roman, Arab, Turkish, Spanish, Italian and French civilizations is delighted to host this important event and hundreds of participants and to contribute to the countries medical education in the field.