Oman set to mark GCC cancer awareness week themed 40/40

Oman, along with the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, is celebrating the 6th Gulf Cancer Awareness Week in the first week of February.
At the virtual press conference, Dr Taha al Lawati, Oman Cancer Association Board Member, said, “The incidence rate in developed industrial countries is much higher than in developing countries. Also, several studies indicate the possibility of having 27.5 million new cases of cancer each year by 2040, an increase of 61.7 per cent from 2018 if the current trends continue. From this standpoint and as a continuation of the efforts made to fight cancer worldwide and as part of the GCC countries, the Sultanate of Oman will participate in the 6th Gulf Cancer Awareness Week that will take place from February 1-7, 2021.”
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